I am a highly trained, fully qualified psychotherapist with extensive experience. I am accredited with both the B.A.B.C.P. (British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy) and the B.A.C.P. (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy). These professional organisations have strict ethical guidelines which I adhere to.

My professional qualifications include:-

M.Sc. in Counselling and Psychotherapy (University of Roehampton)

Post-graduate Diploma in Evidence-based Therapies including C.B.T. (University of Reading)

Post-graduate Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (University of Surrey)

Post-graduate Diploma in Cognitive Analytic Therapy (A.C.A.T.)

E.M.D.R. Richman Training

Post-graduate Diploma in Psychology (The Open University)

I also hold a B.Sc. Hons (First Class) in Occupational Therapy. (Brunel University)