I have a deep knowledge of several different approaches to psychotherapy. These include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Psychodynamic Therapy, EMDR and Cognitive Analytic Therapy.

I have a wide range of experience drawing on these approaches with clients facing major life issues and difficulties. My experience is drawn from working for over a decade within both the private sector and the N.H.S. I have worked in private clinics, outpatient centres and G.P. surgeries.

As a psychotherapist specialising in C.B.T. and C.A.T. I aim to facilitate insight and change. The National Institute For Health And Clinical Excellence (N.I.C.E.) recommends C.B.T because it has been rigorously researched and shown to work for a high percentage of people with common emotional and psychological problems. C.B.T. is a brief, structured form of talking therapy. The client and the therapist work together as a team to help reach desired goals.

Unhelpful thinking and behaviour is learned. Although insight helps, change can also be learned with persistence and inspiration. Both C.B.T and C.A.T. are evidence-based psychological treatments. They take an active approach to building understanding and consolidating change. Both share the assumption that it is only human to have negative feelings and thoughts, but that these are simply that – feelings and thoughts. They neither fix you nor define you. Mindfulness and awareness of the present moment give us the chance to witness this for ourselves. This is enlightening the first time it is practised and refreshing thereafter. Practise between sessions enables goals to be reached faster.

Some conditions which Psychotherapy can help with:



panic attacks

post-traumatic stress disorder

obsessive compulsive disorder

relationship issues (such as difficulties forming or maintaining relationships)

self-esteem and assertiveness issues

chronic fatigue

chronic pain

physical symptoms without a medical diagnosis

sleep difficulties

anger management